A lot of people take charge of their lives when they are diagnosed with cancer. I have to be honest--I didn't. It's probably because I was still grieving my mom's passing. I had the normal reactions to chemotherapy--loss of appetite, loss of taste, exhaustion, etc. So, I did have to eat by the clock, because I really didn't feel hungry. Nothing tasted good and I was tired all the time.
And, I smoked. And, I still smoke. You can judge all you want, but it helped me get through it all! It is the most important part that I feel like I need to change. It's going to be a process. I really have given this a lot of thought--about why I still smoke. I think it boils down to control. It is the one thing in my life that I have control over. You might think you have control over a lot of things in your life, but you don't. In a split second, your income, your health, your family, and your outlook on life, all changes. But I still hold on to the fact that I can have a cigarette when I want. My husband hates it--he has never smoked. My daughters hate it--they have never smoked. Some of my friends and family members are constantly on my back about it. That drives me to want to smoke more. Maybe it's my f&%k you, cancer! I just don't know. I'm not ready to give it up yet, but it is part of my Vital Plan.
It took me three years to want to take care of myself. Don't get me wrong, except for the smoking (which isn't linked to Inflammatory Breast Cancer), I have done everything the doctor's have told me to do. I have followed all the medical advice I have been given. But, I was not MOTIVATED at all to really take care of myself. I used to lift weights and roller skate around my neighborhood, and do Tae-Bo daily. I was very athletic when I was young. But, I lost that motivation during and after treatment. However, The Vital Plan started changing my thinking. Maybe because it's not an overnight change, but a long-term look at how you can control your health choices.
My goals are to change my eating habits (no I'm not giving up sugar or wine:), and I usually don't eat fried foods, but I do eat too much; to really exercise regularly; to cook healthier and more often for my family (more on that later, too); to use safer products around my home; and to eventually quit smoking. I'm going to take you on my journey as I make these changes.
I mentioned in my last post that I love Pinterest! I have learned so many natural remedies, cleaning methods, and recipes. I will tell you what I have tried that works and what I have tried that doesn't work. Again, remember, just because it's all natural or organic, doesn't necessarily mean it's safe or good for you.
I'm pretty tired tonight, so I will give you an example of something I read about, then saw on Pinterest, and have tried myself. What a great tip!
I have Italian blood in me. I'm proud of that, but I'll tell you this--the hair on my legs sucks! It's thick and I have to shave every day. That was one bonus of losing my hair to chemo:). I have tried every razor on the market, but none have been able to last very long. I read that it's not shaving cream or soap that dulls your razor, but water. The articles I read suggested drying your razor off when you are done and storing it in oil. It doesn't matter what kind of oil--baby, canola, olive. So, I tried this. It really wasn't doing what I thought it would do, which was prolong the life of my razor. But, some of the discussions in these articles talked about how this might not work with razors that have the "built in" shaving cream or lubricant strip on them. I was using razors with 6 blades. Then, I saw a suggestion on Pinterest about making a scrub for your legs with oil (I use Olive Oil), sugar, and lemon juice. You scrub your legs with this "cocktail", shave, use the scrub again, and then shave again. I know it sounds like a lot, but it is actually not as time consuming as you think. So, I tried it with my 6 bladed razor. It was pretty good.
Then, I bought some cheap razors--2 bladed ones. I figured I would try it. Well, it worked wonders. I have been using the same razor for 3 weeks and it is as sharp as it was on the first day.
So here's the recipe: 2 1/2 Cups of Oil, 1 Cup of Sugar, and 5 tablespoons of citrus juice (preferably freshly squeezed, but bottled works, too). I have this thing about using glass stuff in the bathroom--I just think it's dangerous. So, I use a clean, plastic container that coffee creamer comes in. It's great because I can shake it up without worrying about it falling and breaking. Yes, I keep my razor in a plastic cup on my sink in baby oil. After letting my legs get good and wet, I use the scrub, and then shave. You don't need to use any cream or soap--your legs with be very moisturized. Then, I scrub again, and shave again. You will not believe the crap that comes off your legs. Rinse your razor (back and front) often. When you're done, your legs will have had the closest shave they've ever had, and they will be silky smooth. Believe me, after you do it once, it will take the same amount of time as shaving the other way.
Caution: Be very careful when doing this. The shower/tub will get extremely slippery! I keep a container of peroxide with a sprayer on it and use it to cut the oil. (Another Pinterest endeavor:).
First of all, you will save money on shaving cream and razors. Second, your legs will feel so much better. If you try it, please let me know what you think!
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